14 October 2003
500. General. Any instructor or student involved with flight
training may submit a recommended change to an existing
Aviation/Instructor Training Form using a TCR form. Normally
ATF/ITF changes are a result of changes to the 1542. Procedures
for changing an ATF/ITF are as follows:
a. If the change is simple, cross out the items you want
to change on the present form, make the proposed corrections,
then submit with a TCR form describing background and reason for
b. If the proposed change is complicated, redraw the form
with the suggested changes on a separate piece of paper and
attach it to the current form. Use a TCR form for the cover
sheet, with description and reason for the change.
c. Each ATF/ITF should include a CNATRA form number and
revision date. Each curriculum has a Masters Materials list in
the last chapter or the end of Appendix A respectively. The ATFs
are listed with their title, form number and current revision
date (CNATRA 1542/528 (Rev.6-90)). The numbers and revision
dates should be found in the lower left hand corner of the
ATF/ITF. As changes are made to the ATFs and their respective
curriculum, the ATF number needs to be updated with a new
revision date on the ATF and coincide with the ATF list in the
curriculum. This revision date signifies that changes were made.
d. All TCR forms should be routed in accordance with
Chapter 3 of this instruction.
501. ATF/ITF Procedures. Specific guidance for completing ATFs
and the maintenance of ATFs is found in CNATRAINST 1500.4F.