14 October 2003
(2) During phase curriculum conferences, TCRs will be
reviewed, in order, as determined by the CCC. New TCRs may be
submitted at any time; however, to promote an orderly meeting,
each discussion item should be supported by and limited to a TCR
form. In addition, no new TCRs should be accepted within two
weeks of the conference unless they are deemed Urgent.
b. Stage conferences where a TCR may be discussed are
normally called anytime a TCR form has been submitted which the
PTO has designated "Urgent" and the SM/CM feels a conference is
required to finalize a suitable response. These urgent responses
normally result in interim changes.
Post Conference Administration
a. After each phase curriculum conference, the CCC or the
SM/CM will update or create each applicable training publication
described in paragraph 104 written in or converted to Microsoft
Word 6.0 (or newer). If the document is converted to Microsoft
Word, it must be uncorrupted. Appendix A describes who is
responsible for each publication. Smoothed publications, on
disk, will be delivered to the appropriate CNATRA PTO. These
smoothed publications should include digital copies of graphic
source files and the final smooth graphic files. Also, if any
copyrighted graphic files are used, a release form from the
copyright holder should be included.
b. The CNATRA PTO will then review each publication for
format, content, and style. Hard copies, ready for signature,
will be routed as follows:
(1) Curriculum revisions which fall under the "minor
revision" criteria (see paragraph 307) are routed from the PTO to
the CNATRA Chief of Staff via the chain of command for signature.
Curriculum revisions which require "major revision" criteria will
be submitted by the CCMM to the PTO. Upon receipt, the PTO will
route the revision through the chain of command to the Chief of
Naval Operations (CNO) via Naval Education and Training Command
(NETC) for approval. All revisions will be sent to NETC (N55).
Allow 30 days for review and approval of the revision. Following
NETC (N55) approval, all "major revisions" shall be routed to CNO
(N00T). Allow 30 days for review and final approval of the
(2) All other training publications will be routed from
the PTO through the chain of command to CNATRA (N3) for
signature. CNATRA (N1221) then sends the signed proof to the
Defense Automated Printing Service, Corpus Christi or Pensacola
for both printing and distribution.