14 October 2003
The objective of the CNATRA "Training
100. Objective.
Improvement Program" (TIP) is to provide a process for
continually improving our training curricula, and the associated
training publications, and thus ensure that CNATRA produces the
finest aviators to meet the Fleet's needs.
101. Scope. This instruction applies to every person involved
at every level of flight training. In particular, this
instruction has been developed as a handbook for carrying out the
regular responsibilities of the Course Curriculum Coordinators,
Stage, and Course Managers.
102. Overview. This instruction establishes a program of
aviation training improvement similar to the Naval Air Training
and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) program. This
system uses the "Training Change Request" (TCR) forms, an
"Anymouse" type of suggestion program which will stimulate
communication between various echelons of command while improving
NATRACOM courses of instruction. Action taken to implement valid
TIP suggestions is accomplished formally through a program
similar to the NATOPS program. Anyone can submit recommended
improvements on the form described in Chapter 3. Either small
scale stage conferences or comprehensive phase conferences are
held to review all proposed changes. User-approved changes are
then routed through the Course Curriculum Model Manager to CNATRA
for final approval, publication and distribution. Under this
program the user has ownership of his or her curriculum as well
as the mechanism to improve that curriculum. Any user has access
to the team, which manages the curriculum. The curriculum is
supported by the Student Naval Aviator Training and
Administration Manual (TA Manual) and the Flight Instructor
Standardization and Training (FIST) Instruction, references (a)
and (c). The "TIP" continuously refines and modifies the
curriculum to reflect a changing world (see Figure 1.1).
103. Definitions. Reference (a) defines terms and phrases
generally used in instructional references and literature. The
TIP establishes and defines responsibilities of the CNATRA
Pipeline Training Officers (PTOs), Course Curriculum Model
Managers (CCMMs), Course Curriculum Coordinators (CCCs), Stage
Managers (SMs), and Course Managers (CMs).