31 AUG 2006
training management is designed to facilitate two graded events
(flight, simulator, or exam) per IUT per day.
b. Accelerated Progression. Under exceptional
circumstances, an IUT's previous flight experience or
demonstrated proficiency may warrant accelerated progression.
Refer to CNATRAINST 3710.13E for additional information.
c. Maneuver Continuity. IUTs must accomplish previously
introduced maneuvers frequently enough to ensure maintaining
required proficiency.
d. Hours/X. SIs shall plan and execute missions to meet
H/X as closely as practical. If actual event length varies from
H/X by more than 0.3 hours, annotate reason(s) in ITF's general
comments section.
e. Special Syllabus Requirements. SSRs are allocated to
flights. Unless noted otherwise, SIs may accomplish SSRs on any
flight within the block. SSRs shall be completed in the
specified block. Annotate completed SSRs in the ITF's SSR
comments section. Assign NG/1 as the SSR maneuver grade.
f. Instructor Training Jacket Reviews. A jacket review
will be conducted during the Radio Instruments block in
conjunction with I4301.
g. Instructor Pilot Flights. IP flights can be flown by
HITU instructors, but are intended to be flown by destination
Squadron ADDU Standardization Instructors. In the course of the
ADDU Standardization Instructors' instruction, they will observe
HITU standardization and provide feedback to the HITU. They
will also take advantage of the opportunity to assimilate the
IUT into his destination squadron and to acquaint him with
squadron operating methods.
h. Flight Instructor Designation. On completion of the IUT
syllabus and an interview with the IUT's designation squadron
Commanding Officer, the IUT shall be designated in writing as a
flight instructor in the appropriate categories. Designation
letters will be filed in the pilot's NATOPS Flight Personnel
Training and Qualification Jacket (OPNAV 3760/32).