04 Aug 2006
45. EPL Use (At Altitude) Introduction
● Perform EPL use at
● Commences maneuver with condition
altitude per the FTI
lever in full increase.
and local SOP.
● Operates EPL smoothly.
● Retards PCL to idle after EPL is
set to desired power setting.
● Monitors power settings during
changes in altitude.
● Maintains sufficient altitude per
FTI and local SOP.
● Completes maneuver with PCL set to
desired power setting and EPL in
46. Intentional Feather While Airborne Introduction
● Perform intentional
● Commences maneuver over hard
feather while airborne
surface runway with sufficient
per the FTI.
altitude to complete procedures
above 5000 feet AGL.
● Maintains safe airspeed (between
90 and 110 knots) throughout
● Sufficiently discusses and
demonstrates similarities between
PCL at 205 ft-lbs and condition
lever feather at 100-knot glide.
to return to governing range after
being feathered.
● Completes maneuver with condition
lever full increase and the
47. Landing Pattern Errors
● Recognize common
● Recognizes landing pattern errors
student errors per the
when simulated by IP and corrects
FTI during landing
error in a timely manner.
pattern training.
● Displays proper defensive
● Display proper
positioning and intervenes at
defensive positioning
appropriate times to prevent
to prevent unsafe
unsafe situations while in the
situations while in
landing pattern.
the landing pattern.