31 AUG 2006
c. Hours per X (H/X). Mission Commanders shall plan and
execute missions to meet H/X as closely as practical. If actual
event length varies from H/X by more than 0.3 hours, annotate
reason(s) in ATF's general comments section.
d. Location of Training. Student events may be
accomplished at home station or on cross-country/detachments
where applicable.
e. Special Syllabus Requirements. SSRs may be allocated to
flights. Unless noted otherwise, instructors may accomplish
SSRs on any flight within the block. The SSRs shall be
completed in the specified block. Annotate completed SSRs in
the ATF's SSR Comments section. Assign NG/1 as the SSR maneuver
f. Aviation Training Jacket Reviews. Flight Leaders will
conduct jacket reviews at least monthly. The SMS students
require weekly ATJ reviews.