12 FEB 2004
65. Terminal Procedures
● IFR: Begin when
● Establishes proper communication
and complies with appropriate ATC
DH on a visual
in a timely manner.
glidepath to the
● Once VMC, maintains a safe visual
landing environment.
glidepath to the landing
● End with
environment, allowing for safe
commencement of
visual maneuvering to a landing.
Ground Operations.
● Follows visual approach guidance
● VFR: Begin at
as appropriate, i.e., VASI, PAPI,
termination of VFR
● If VASI/PAPI does not apply, then
● End with
helicopter maintains a safe
commencement of
profile to either the runway
Ground Operations.
threshold or short final for an
appropriate helipad.
66. Non-Precision Approach
● Begins when
● Performs IAW the FTI/INAV
established on a
procedures and the applicable
published portion of
approach or cleared
● FAF to MAP: Begins timing within
for the approach, or
5 seconds if appropriate,
on radar vectors to
10 KIAS of approach airspeed,
FAC 5 and/or deflection
● Ends at transition
(3 dot width).
to landing
● Arrives at the MDA prior to MAP
environment or
in a safe position to make a
applying power to
normal visual descent to land.
execute a missed
● Maintains MDA +100/-0 feet.
● Executes the missed approach
procedure when applicable for the
intended runway.
● NDB final approach: Maintains
10 bearing.
● ASR approach: Does not exceed
"well left/right of course" and
complies with the controller's
instructions in a timely manner.
● GPS approach: Executes IAW
current FTI.