21 May 2003
Ground Training and Briefing Requirements
Mission Preparation, Briefings and Debriefings:
(1) EOB sorties. The SI shall carefully review the
Aviation Training Summary (ATS) in planning the EOB sortie to
ensure the profile includes opportunities to reach MIF on all
critical items and optional items attempted in the block.
(2) Preparation.
The IUT shall arrive for each flight
(a) Thorough knowledge of:
1. The flight's "Discuss" items as listed in
Chapter II.
2. Procedural knowledge of the critical items
for the sortie's training block.
(b) A flight profile tailored to training
requirements, weak areas and continuity.
(c) The latest ATS for the stage.
(3) Briefing.
Thoroughly cover the mission's:
(a) Specific objectives.
(b) Techniques and required procedures for
accomplishing those objectives.
(c) Planned profile, contingencies, and ORM
(4) Debriefing
(a) After each sortie, the SI shall critique the
IUT's performance using cause/effect analysis, particularly with
respect to the CTS.
(b) The mission's complexity and IUT's progress will
govern the time required for the debrief.
(c) The SI shall provide the IUT with a new ATS, and
may provide a copy of the sortie's ITF.