25 JUN 2003
c. SMS is intended as a short-term program. SMS requires
the setting of specific goals for removal from SMS or proceeding
with the elimination process. SMS goals should be tailored to
correct deficiencies as determined by the Flight Leader and
Personal Advisor or to address personal issues as determined by
the Operations Officer. The goals and the required period in
SMS must be annotated in a supplemental ATF in the student's
d. If the student achieves the goals within the SMS period
or when personal issues are resolved, the student returns to
normal training flow. If the student is unable to meet the
specific goals of SMS, or performance does not improve, the
student shall progress to an IPC or FPC.
Ground Training and Briefing Requirements
Mission Preparation, Briefings, and Debriefings
(1) EOB Sorties. The IP shall carefully review the
Aviation Training Summary (ATS) in planning the EOB sortie to
ensure the profile includes opportunities to reach MIF on all
critical items and optional items attempted in the block.
(2) Preparation.
Students shall arrive for each flight
(a) Thorough knowledge of:
1. The flight's discuss items, as listed in
Chapters II-VI.
2. Procedural knowledge of the critical items
for the sortie's training block.
(b) A flight profile tailored to training
(c) The latest ATS for the stage.
(3) Briefing.
Thoroughly cover the mission's:
(a) Specific objectives.
(b) Techniques and required procedures for
accomplishing those objectives.