25 JUN 2003
Chapter III
Contact Training
1. Pre-solo Training Philosophy. The fundamental flight skills
required of each student in order to safely solo in the T-34C
are critical, not only to solo, but also to successfully
complete Multi-Service Pilot Training System (MPTS). Initial
instruction should focus on determining the instructional
approach best suited for each student's problem areas so that
mission profiles can be flown to correct deficient areas.
Although the pre-solo maneuver item file (MIF) does not require
consistent student proficiency on the more complicated maneuvers
until the instructional unit prior to solo, students must show
continued improvement as they progress in training. Regardless
of the end-of-block MIF requirements, overall mission grades
must reflect the student's progress toward meeting training
2. Pattern Training. Utilize the overhead/break traffic
pattern as much as possible for pattern training.
3. Navigation. When possible, home and auxiliary field
departures and recoveries should be visual with the assistance
of the local area map. Weather may require using navigational
aids in place of visual navigation.
4. Seating. Students shall occupy the front seat for all
sorties in the stage.