10 October 2000
(a) The IUT demonstrates flagrant safety or flight
rule violations, or a dangerous tendency.
(b) The IUT is not safe for solo and the next
normally scheduled event is a solo flight.
(2) If it is determined that an IUT scheduled for a
simulator requires a warm-up the IUT shall fly his warm-up in the
simulator. If it is determined that an IUT scheduled for an
aircraft flight requires a warm-up the IUT shall fly the warm-up
in an aircraft. Any instrument stage warm-up shall be flown in a
c. Instructor Training Jacket (ITJ). ITJs will include ITFs
of all qualified stages, standardization checks and individual
qualifications, such as section and division leader
d. Instrument Rating. IUTs will receive training in
instrument flight necessary to qualify for a Standard Instrument
Rating in accordance with OPNAVINST 3710.7R.
7. Waiving Events. The flight, simulator, and ground training
events listed in this curriculum are the optimum to be completed
by each IUT. Training events may be waived or combined at the
discretion of the TRAWING Commander.
8. Incomplete Flights. Incomplete events may be completed during
the following event if time and fuel are available.
9. Acrobatic Maneuvers. Acrobatic maneuvers shall be conducted
in accordance with OPNAVINST 3710.7R.
10. Emergency Procedures. Knowledge and response to emergency
procedures will be evaluated through simulated emergencies
conducted in accordance with the T-45A NATOPS Flight manual
during individual stage simulator events and flights.
Weather Minimums and Requirements
Local weather minimums for touch and go landings and
adequate reference for acrobatic maneuvers, clear of
ACM weather requirements.
Local weather minimums for touch and go landings.
No ceiling below en route flight altitudes and not
less than 5 miles visibility on navigation route.