T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-26
Engine Start Procedures
NOTE: The bleed air valve closes at 61 +/- 4% N2.
The Post Start procedure sets the power to 70% to
accomplish fuel control, HYD 2 system, and idle/rpm
(bleed air valve) checks simultaneously.
EGT fails to decrease approximately
50 degrees C
RPM remains lower than normal (fails to
increase approximately 3%)
Closed during engine start cycle: if idle rpm
exceeded 57% during start, bleed valve may have
closed automatically
RPM does not show increase of approximately
3%, but stabilizes at normal idle rpm
(55 +/- 2%)
EGT does not show decrease of 50 degrees C
but stabilizes at normal idle EGT
Wet Start: there is an indication of fuel flow but EGT and
rpm don't increase after 15 seconds from moving the
throttle to idle you have a WET START
HUNG Start: RPM stagnates below 45% while EGT
continues to rise toward the starting limit of 550 degrees
C you have experienced a HUNG start
HOT Start: there is an indication of fuel flow and rpm
increasing normally but EGT is rapidly approaching
550 degrees or will overshoot 570 degrees for more than
10 seconds you have a HOT start
NOTE: Wind blowing up the tailpipe, extremely high
ambient temperature, and starting a hot engine may
cause higher than normal EGT indications
NO READY ADVISORY: if the READY advisory light
doesn't illuminate within 15 seconds of placing the
ENGINE switch to START it indicates that N1 is not
rotating in the correct direction or is less than 100 rpm
(9-98) Change 3
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