T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-27/ENG-28
Engineering Review
(6) TEST button: initiates system built-in test
(BIT) if pushed and held for a minimum of
5 seconds and the following conditions
(a) TACAN steering selected on HSI
(b) 180 course set on HSI
The following should occur:
(c) The TACAN bearing pointer and digital
bearing will indicate 180 + 2.5 degrees
(d) Range will read 0 + 1 NM
(e) The CDI bar will be centered
NOTE: The indications of a valid TACAN
BIT test are: TACAN bearing pointer and
digital bearing - 180 + 2.5 degrees - Range
reads 0 + 1 NM - CDI centered.
NOTE: The system initiates an auto-test
when lock-on is broken.
VOR/ILS controls and indicators
(a) OFF: disconnects power to system
(b) PWR: connects power to system
(c) TEST: initiates system BIT
(a) Select VOR/ILS option on the HSI
(b) Set a course of OOO with CRS
(9-98) Original
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