T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-20
Flight Instruments Malfunctions
Cross-check against ADI heading to ensure failure isolated to
3. Effects on flight safety
a. Potential navigational errors with reduced accuracy
b. Downgraded IFR approach capabilities
C. Vertical speed indicator readout
1. Indication: blank digital readout missing pointer/scale/dots/dashes
and tick marks
2. Verifications: cross-check with standby VSI an independent
3. Effect on flight safety: if VSI display fails you must use standby VSI
D. General GINA failure
1. Indications
a. Input data source change from HYBD to INS to DRGO
b. Missing heading indications on HSI and ADI and HUD
Missing pitch and roll indications on ADI
2. Verifications
a. Look outside the cockpit, if VFR
b. Standby compass reading conflicts with compass indications on
both the
(1) ADI
(2) HSI
Standby attitude indicator (STBY AI) reading differs from ADI
d. Rear cockpit indicators also fail
e. Cross-check with other aircraft attitude information or ATC
3. Effects on flight safety
a. Possible disorientation due to missing pitch and roll information
b. Transition to standby AI
Original (9-98)
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