T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-27/ENG-28
Engineering Review
(3) Idle: 450 degrees C, time unrestricted
time restricted to less than 20 seconds
(5) Ground start: 550 degrees C
(6) Transient during ground start: 20 degrees
C overshoot, time restricted to 10 seconds
(7) Airstart: 600 degrees C
(8) Transient during airstart: 50 degrees C
overshoot, time restricted to 10 seconds
Fuel flow
(1) Idle: 300-400 pph
(2) Maximum: 6410 pph
Fire detection system
(1) Detects fire or overheat condition in GTS
and engine bays
(2) Fire detected if engine or GTS bay
temperature reaches 300 degrees C
(572 degrees F)
Tailpipe hot detection system: TP HOT Caution
Light on if tailpipe bay temperature exceeds
150 degrees C (302 degrees F)
Normal fuel control
Sg 2, fr 56
Fig 4:
Functional description: fuel transferred to
Engine Fuel System
engine LP fuel pump from aircraft fuel system.
Block Diagram
Automatic (NORMAL) controls override
mechanical controls, preventing engine from
exceeding operating limits (when FUEL
CONTROL switch set to NORMAL)
(9-98) Original
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