T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-27/ENG-28
Engineering Review
NOTE: Indicators occasionally
pop out due to pressure
fluctuations or g forces
encountered during hard landings.
Sg 6, fr 42
(b) HYD 1 reservoir indicator
HYD 1 Reservoir
Indicates quantity of HYD 1
(ii) Quantity will vary according to
temperature of fluid and pressure
in system
(iii) Calibrated 0-340 cubic inches in
10 cubic-inch increments and
labeled every 100 cubic inches
(3) Left main wheelwell
(a) HYD 2 FC accumulator
Sg 6, fr 43
pressure gauge identical to HYD 1 FC
accumulator pressure gauge
Accumulator Pressure
(b) Indicates pressure in HYD 2 FC
accumulator (accumulator pressure,
as opposed to system output pressure
read from HYD 2 pressure gauge in
(c) Calibrated from 0 to 4000 psi
increments and labeled every 1000 psi
(d) When hydraulic fluid supply is depleted
from accumulator, gauge displays
(4) Aft fuselage (left side)
(a) HYD 2 filter indicators: identical to
HYD 1 filter indicators
Two indicators, forward one for
pressure line and aft one for
return line
(9-98) Original
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