T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-25
Display System and Malfunctions
(b) Winds
(c) Ground speed
(d) Navigation information
(5) HUD data removed
(a) Attitude
(b) Heading
(c) Vertical speed
(d) g
(e) Groundspeed
Navigation information
Effect on flight safety
(1) Standby instruments must be used
(2) Limited to PAR approach
(3) If INS becomes valid
(a) Attitude return first
(b) Heading, vertical speed and turn
needle return second
(c) Position returns last
Inflight alignment
Note: If the GINA fault was the result of power
interruption to the GINA, the GINA power should be
cycled OFF then ON from the BIT display. If the
GINA failure is other than a power loss, initiate the
inflight alignment with the RST push-button on the
aircraft DATA display.
Original (9-98)
Page 25-14