T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-27/ENG-28
Engineering Review
(2) Anti-skid: must be selected OFF to
conserve wheel brake/emergency flap
accumulator pressure for wheel brakes
(3) Launch bar: will retract due to mechanical
(spring) pressure; extension not possible
(4) Arresting hook: retraction not possible
(5) Landing gear & MLG inner doors:
retraction not possible
(6) Slats: remain in position set when HYD 1 is
Electrical system
28 VDC essential services bus
(1) Arresting hook (up/down proximity
switches, hook warning lights)
NOTE: The arresting hook itself is
mechanically controlled and gravity
operated with pneumatic assist. Even if
batteries or the essential services bus itself
fails, the hook will extend.
(2) Landing gear control (control and lights)
(a) If power to essential services bus fails,
normal gear extension not possible
(b) Emergency gear extension system
(mechanical) will still be operable
(3) Landing gear position indicator (light in
(4) WOW control
(5) Anti-skid control: available with generator
(9-98) Original
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