CNI System Malfunctions
T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-22
I. Communication system malfunctions,
A. COMM 1 and COMM 2 failure
1. Indications: unable to receive and/or transmit
NOTE: Because of the redundant design of the COMM
system, the possibility of a total COMM failure is
2. Verifications
b. Check COMM control panel switch settings
c. Check UHF/VHF radio control panel switch settings
d. Check helmet/mask connections
e. Verify other cockpit experiences same problem
f. Still receiving navigation audio
g. Check with other aircraft
h. Perform BIT
NOTE: If a malfunctioning UHF/VHF radio control
be transferred to the other cockpit, if occupied. If a
select the other COMM system. If both COMM
amplifiers have failed, the communication system is
3. Effects on flight safety: normal air-to-air and air-to-
ground communications will be lost
Page 22-4
Original (9-98)