Overview - 1278BK2_wch70012Presentation - 1278BK2_wch70013Cabin pressurization failureCabin altimeter failureSummary - 1278BK2_wch70016Review - 1278BK2_wch70017Figure 1: Cockpit Pressurization ScheduleLecture Guide - 1278BK2_wch70019Lesson Preparation - 1278BK2_wch70020Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70021Overview - 1278BK2_wch70022Presentation - 1278BK2_wch70023Figure 1: GINA Major Related Component LocationsControls/switches/indicators - 1278BK2_wch70025Summary - 1278BK2_wch70026Multi-Function Display (MFD) - 1278BK2_wch70027Figure 2: ADI DisplayFigure 3: MFD with Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) DisplayHorizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) - 1278BK2_wch70030Summary - 1278BK2_wch70031Pitot static system major components - 1278BK2_wch70032Figure 5: Standby Airspeed IndicatorsFigure 6: Standby Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)Pitot tubeAngle of attack (AOA) major components - 1278BK2_wch70036Figure 7: Angle of Attack SystemAOA indexer - 1278BK2_wch70038External approach lights - 1278BK2_wch70039AOA transmitter probeIndependent instruments - 1278BK2_wch70041Controls/switches/indicators - 1278BK2_wch70042Standby attitude indicatorStandby turn and slip indicatorFigure 10: Standby Turn and Slip IndicatorFigure 11: Standby CompassFigure 12: Clock/StopwatchAircraft interfaces - 1278BK2_wch70048GINA signalsSystems interface - 1278BK2_wch70050Figure 13: HUD IndicationsLesson Notes - 1278BK2_wch70052Summary - 1278BK2_wch70053Progress Check - 1278BK2_wch70054Summary - 1278BK2_wch70055Lesson Guide - 1278BK2_wch70056Lesson Preparation - 1278BK2_wch70057Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70058Overview - 1278BK2_wch70059Presentation - 1278BK2_wch70060Vertical speed indicator readoutIncongruent GINA GPS-INS positon and/or velocity computationsPitot static system - 1278BK2_wch70063Standby vertical speed indicator (VSI) failureAngle of attack (AOA) system - 1278BK2_wch70065Independent instruments - 1278BK2_wch70066Standby attitude indicator (Standby AI) failureSummary - 1278BK2_wch70068Figures - 1278BK2_wch70069Figure 1: GINA and Related Components: Summary of Malfunction Indications and VerificationsFigure 2: Pitot Static System: Summary of Malfunction Indications and VerificationsFigure 3: AOA Instruments: Summary of Malfunction Indications and VerificationsFigure 4: Independent Instruments: Summary of Malfunction Indications and VerificationsLecture Guide - 1278BK2_wch70074Lesson Preparation - 1278BK2_wch70075Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70076Overview - 1278BK2_wch70077Presentation - 1278BK2_wch70078Figure 1: Communications System--Major ComponentsNavigation - 1278BK2_wch70080Figure 2: Communications Control PanelFigure 4: IFF System--Major ComponentsFigure 5: GINA System--Major ComponentsVOR/ILS system - 1278BK2_wch70084Figure 6: VOR/ILS System--Major ComponentsTACAN control panelFigure 7: TACAN System--Major ComponentsFigure 8: HUD and HSI Displays with TACAN SelectedControls and operational characteristics--communication system - 1278BK2_wch70089UHF/VHF functionality - 1278BK2_wch70090Frequency select switches - 1278BK2_wch70091Throttle/stick - 1278BK2_wch70092Aircraft interfaces--communication system - 1278BK2_wch70093Figure 11: Communications Amplifier Block DiagramCOMM control panel - 1278BK2_wch70095MIC switch: two-position toggle switchAircraft interfaces--COMM control panel/Intercom System (ICS) - 1278BK2_wch70097IFF transponderIdentification of position (I/P) switch - 1278BK2_wch70099Aircraft interfaces--IFF System (Transponder) - 1278BK2_wch70100Controls and operational characteristics--navigation system - 1278BK2_wch70101VOR/ILS system - 1278BK2_wch70102ILS Operation - 1278BK2_wch70103Figure 12: VOR/ILS System--Marker Beacon LightsControls and indicators--VOR/ILS System - 1278BK2_wch70105Aircraft interfaces--VOR/ILS system - 1278BK2_wch70106Figure 13: VOR/ILS OutputsTACAN system - 1278BK2_wch70108Controls and indicators - 1278BK2_wch70109Aircraft Interfaces - TACAN System - 1278BK2_wch70110Figure 14: TACAN OutputsNavigation ControlAntenna locations (CNI) - 1278BK2_wch70113Figure 15: T-45C CNI Antenna LocationsForward fuselage (underside)Summary - 1278BK2_wch70116Lesson Guide - 1278BK2_wch70118Lesson Examination - 1278BK2_wch70119Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70120Overview - 1278BK2_wch70121Refresher - 1278BK2_wch70122Communication system malfunctionsIntercom system (ICS) failure Centralized warning system (CWS) audio failureNavigation system malfunctions INS failure - 1278BK2_wch70127GINA GPS-INS mismatchTACAN azimuth failure - 1278BK2_wch70129Verifications - 1278BK2_wch70130TACAN distance measurement equipment (DME) failureEffects on flight safety - 1278BK2_wch70132Instrument landing system (ILS) localizer failureMarker beacon failure Summary - 1278BK2_wch70135Lecture Guide - 1278BK2_wch70136Lesson Preparation - 1278BK2_wch70137Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70138Overview - 1278BK2_wch70139Airborne data recorder (ADR) systemFigure 1: Airborne Data Recorder (ADR) Event ButtonFigure 2: MFD - Maintenance (MANT) DisplayFigure 3: Total Air Temperature (TAT)Operating characteristics - 1278BK2_wch70144Figure 4: ADR MonitoringArmament control system (ACS) overview Armament control system (ACS) major component identification - 1278BK2_wch70147Figure 5: ACS Controls/IndicatorsGun triggerWeight on wheels bypass switchACS operational characteristics - 1278BK2_wch70151Figure 6: GunsightFigure 7: Wing StationsFigure 8: Armament Controls/IndicatorsMulti-Function display (MFD) - 1278BK2_wch70155Weapons release button - 1278BK2_wch70156Emergency jettison (PUSH TO JETT) buttonHUD system - 1278BK2_wch70158Figure 9: HUD Controls/IndicatorsVideo camera system (VCS) - 1278BK2_wch70160ACS and HUD aircraft interfaces Flight data inputs to HUD DEUFigure 10: HUD Integrated Avionics SystemSummary - 1278BK2_wch70164Lecture Guide - 1278BK2_wch70165Study Resources - 1278BK2_wch70166Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70167Motivation - 1278BK2_wch70168Gyroscope characteristicsReal precessionFigure 3: Transport Apparent PrecessionInstructor Notes - 1278BK2_wch70172Mechanical INS gyroscopes genericGimbaled: XYZ axesRing laser INS gyroscopes generic-cont.Litton GINA INS DesignFigure 5: Litton Ring Laser Gyro AssemblyOptical cavity mirrors fourInstructor Notes - 1278BK2_wch70179AccelerometersGlobal Positioning System (GPS) characteristics Figure 7: Optimum Satellite ArrayRanging and triangulationPrecise Positioning Service (PPS)Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) GPS featureInstructor Notes - 1278BK2_wch70186LITTON GINA Global Positioning System (GPS) designFive (5) satellite communication channel capabilityGPS antennaComputes GPS dataGINA ComponentsFigure 11: GINA ComponentsPower suppliesInstructor Notes - 1278BK2_wch70194GINA functions Send/receive data to DEU and ADRInstructor Notes - 1278BK2_wch70197In-flight following loss of attitude informationAlignment (land)Instructor Notes - 1278BK2_wch70200Figure 12: SHIP AlignmentInstructor Notes - 1278BK2_wch70202Instructor Notes-cont.Figure 13: ACFT Data PageFigure 14: GPS Data PageNORM and APCH corridor monitor limit selectionFigure 15: BIT Display Page (Weight-On-Wheels)GINA BIT checksFigure 16: BIT Display Page (Weight-Off-Wheels)GINA system faultsFigure 18: Got a ProblemThree (3) sigma deviationInstructor Note - 1278BK2_wch70213If INS is badProgress Check - 1278BK2_wch70215Summary - 1278BK2_wch70216Lesson Guide - 1278BK2_wch70217Lesson Preparation - 1278BK2_wch70218Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70219Overview - 1278BK2_wch70220Display system major components Interfaces-cont.Multi-Function DisplayDisplay system interfaces Display system bit MFD Failure IndicationsHUD Failure IndicationsGINA systemGINA BIT status reported on BIT displayGINA Failure - 1278BK2_wch70230INS failure - 1278BK2_wch70231Inflight alignmentGINA Velocity/Position Mis-compareHUD data effectedEffect on flight safety-cont.Summary - 1278BK2_wch70236Figures - 1278BK2_wch70237Figure 1: Display System Major ComponentsFigure 2: DEU Interface DiagramFigure 3: DEU LocationFigure 4: MFD Menu DisplayFigure 5: Head-up Display (HUD)Figure 6: DEU Functions as Bus ControllerFigure 7: Display System Electrical DiagramFigure 8: Weight-Off-WheelsFigure 9: Weight-On-WheelsFigure 10: BIT Status ReportFigure 11: DEU Data SourcesFigure 12: Aircracft Data DisplayLecture Guide - 1278BK2_wch70250Examination - 1278BK2_wch70251Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70252Overview - 1278BK2_wch70253Engine start controls and indicators Figure 1: Front Cockpit Component LocatorFigure 2: Engine Controls (FWD Cockpit)GTS start button - 1278BK2_wch70257Figure 3: Engine Start SystemThrottle - 1278BK2_wch70259Indicators - 1278BK2_wch70260Figure 4: Engine Instruments and IndicatorsEngine starting procedures - 1278BK2_wch70262Interior check - left consoleFigure 5: Engine Start SequenceEngine switch - START - 1278BK2_wch70265TGT and RPM indicators - 1278BK2_wch70266Post-start - 1278BK2_wch70267Progress Check - 1278BK2_wch70268Unacceptable conditions during engine start Wet StartOil Press warning lightSummary - 1278BK2_wch70272Lesson Guide - 1278BK2_wch70274Lesson Guide-cont.Lesson Objectives - 1278BK2_wch70276Lesson Objectives-cont. - 1278BK2_wch70277Lesson Objectives-cont. - 1278BK2_wch70278Lesson Objectives-cont. - 1278BK2_wch70279Lesson Objectives-cont. - 1278BK2_wch70280Lesson Objectives-cont. - 1278BK2_wch70281Overview - 1278BK2_wch70282Electrical System & Electrical System MalfunctionsPower protection - 1278BK2_wch70284Electrical system operational characteristics - 1278BK2_wch70285Battery operations - 1278BK2_wch70286Electrical system aircraft interfaces - 1278BK2_wch70287Electrical system malfunctionsVerifications - 1278BK2_wch70289Engine SystemPower generation - 1278BK2_wch70291Bleed air system - 1278BK2_wch70292Engine system controls, switches, and indicators cockpit controlsEngine start switchCockpit indicators - 1278BK2_wch70295Engine operating characteristics - 1278BK2_wch70296Air intake and compressionPower generation - 1278BK2_wch70298Normal fuel control - 1278BK2_wch70299LP fuel pumpManual fuel control system - 1278BK2_wch70301Engine lubrication system - 1278BK2_wch70302Engine starting system - 1278BK2_wch70303Engine starting component function - 1278BK2_wch70304Bleed air system - 1278BK2_wch70305Engine/aircraft interfacesEngine System MalfunctionsEngine icing Engine overtemp Engine fire - 1278BK2_wch70310Verifications - 1278BK2_wch70311Steam ingestion bleed valve failureAircraft fuel systemFuselage tank - 1278BK2_wch70314Fuel delivery - 1278BK2_wch70315Fuel system operational characteristicsFuel system controls, switches, and indicatorsCaution/advisoryFuel system interfaces Venting: releases air/vapor to atmosphere through pressure relief valvesPressure refueling operation - 1278BK2_wch70321Fuel system malfunctionsFuel tank pressurization failureHydraulic System - 1278BK2_wch70324Engine-driven pump (EDP) - 1278BK2_wch70325Flight control (FC) accumulator - 1278BK2_wch70326Power supply package - 1278BK2_wch70327Hydraulic system no. 2 (HYD 2) - 1278BK2_wch70328Emergency package assembly - 1278BK2_wch70329Emergency hydraulic system components - 1278BK2_wch70330Hydraulic system operational characteristicsHYD 2 operational characteristics - 1278BK2_wch70332HYD 2 output distributionWarning/caution light panel (WCP), both cockpits - 1278BK2_wch70334Checking/testing the hydraulic systemAft fuselage (right side) - 1278BK2_wch70336Left main wheelwellAircraft interfaces - 1278BK2_wch70338Emergency HYD systemHydraulic system malfunctions - 1278BK2_wch70340Effects on flight safety - 1278BK2_wch70341Hydraulic Subsystems - 1278BK2_wch70342LDG Gear Door caution light - 1278BK2_wch70343Nose wheel steering (NWS); dual-gain, full-time (low-gain) - 1278BK2_wch70344Brakes/anti-skid - 1278BK2_wch70345Controls and indicators - 1278BK2_wch70346Launch bar - 1278BK2_wch70347Arresting hook - 1278BK2_wch70348Aircraft interfaces - 1278BK2_wch70349Electrical system - 1278BK2_wch70350Flight Control System - 1278BK2_wch70351Major components - 1278BK2_wch70352Aileron systemStabilator system - 1278BK2_wch70354Flaps/slats, speed brakes - 1278BK2_wch70355Slat system - 1278BK2_wch70356Slat position indicationSpeed brake system - 1278BK2_wch70358Flight controls/switches/indicatorsRudder Trim knob - 1278BK2_wch70360Flaps/controls/switches/indicatorsSlats controls/switches/indicatorsExtend/retract switch - 1278BK2_wch70363Flight control system malfunctionCanopy and egress systemsNavy aircrew common ejection seat (NACES) - 1278BK2_wch70366Cockpit controls: command ejection panel - 1278BK2_wch70367Operating characteristics - 1278BK2_wch70368On-board oxygen generation system (OBOGS) and environmental control system (ECS) - 1278BK2_wch70369Switches, indicators, and controls - 1278BK2_wch70370Environmental control system (ECS) - 1278BK2_wch70371Cockpit pressurization - 1278BK2_wch70372ECS controls, switches and indicators - 1278BK2_wch70373Flight instruments - 1278BK2_wch70374GINA alignmentsPitot static system major components - 1278BK2_wch70376Angle of attack (AOA) major components - 1278BK2_wch70377Flight instruments aircraft interfacesSystems interface - 1278BK2_wch70379Flight Instrument OperationPitot static system - 1278BK2_wch70381Standby compass - 1278BK2_wch70382Flight instrument malfunctionHorizontal situation indicator (HSI) display failureGeneral GINA failureCNI SystemNavigation - 1278BK2_wch70387Antenna locations (CNI) - 1278BK2_wch70388CNI operationCOMM control panel/intercom system (ICS)Intercom system (ICS)TACAN system - 1278BK2_wch70392Aircraft Interfaces - TACAN System - 1278BK2_wch70393VOR/ILS system - 1278BK2_wch70394CNI controls and switchesFrequency selector (outer knob) - 1278BK2_wch70396Frequency select switches - 1278BK2_wch70397COMM control panel - 1278BK2_wch70398IFF system (transponder) - 1278BK2_wch70399Status lightsMode select/test switchesTACAN controls and indicatorsVOR/ILS controls and indicatorsCNI malfunctionsVerifications - 1278BK2_wch70405TACAN azimuth failure - 1278BK2_wch70406Display SystemDisplay system operationDisplay system bitDisplay system interfacesEngine start procedures - 1278BK2_wch70411Engine start controls and indicatorsIndicators - 1278BK2_wch70413Engine starting procedures - 1278BK2_wch70414Interior check - 1278BK2_wch70415GTS start button - 1278BK2_wch70416Throttle - 1278BK2_wch70417TGT and RPM indicators - 1278BK2_wch70418Post-start - 1278BK2_wch70419Unacceptable conditions during engine start - 1278BK2_wch70420Low battery voltageBleed air valve - 1278BK2_wch70422Summary - 1278BK2_wch70423Figures - 1278BK2_wch70425Figure 1: Electrical System Block DiagramFigure 2: Electrical Load DistributionFigure 3: Basic Engine Block DiagramFigure 4: Engine Fuel System Block DiagramFigure 5: Engine Starting System Block DiagramFigure 6: Simplified Fuel System Block DiagramFigure 7: Aircraft Fuel System Block DiagramFigure 8: Hydraulic System Block DiagramFigure 9: Main Landing Gear (MLG) Major ComponentsFigure 10: Nose Landing Gear (NLG) Major ComponentsFigure 11: Nose Wheel Steering (NWS) System Major ComponentsFigure 12: Wheel Brake/Anti-Skid System Block DiagramFigure 13: Flight ControlsFigure 14: Flight Controls--Rudder System ComponentsFigure 15: Flight Controls--Aileron System ComponentsFigure 16: Flight Controls--Stabilator System ComponentsFigure 17: Flaps/Slats, Speed BrakesFigure 18: CanopyFigure 19: Ejection SeatFigure 20: Minimum Safe Ejection AltitudesFigure 21: OBOGS Block DiagramFigure 22: Pilot's Services PanelFigure 23: ECS Block DiagramFigure 24: Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) DisplayFigure 25: Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) DisplayFigure 26: AOA SystemFigure 27: UHF/VHF Control PanelFigure 28: IFF Control PanelFigure 29: COMM Control PanelFigure 30: Display System Major ComponentsFigure 31: BIT Status ReportFigure 32: DEU Interface DiagramFigure 33: Engine Controls (Forward Cockpit)Engineering Guide Book 2 1998 - 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