Egress System Malfunctions
V. Unable to eject--ejection seat failure
A. Indications
1. Ejection handle jammed
Fig 5: Ejection Seat
2. Ejection handle fails to fire seat
B. Verifications
1. Ensure safety pin removed
2. Ensure safe/armed handle in ARMED position
Fig 5: Ejection Seat
3. With proper selection of Command Ejection Selector control, other
seat ejection handle fails to fire seat
4. MDC does not shatter canopy
C. Effects on flight safety: ejection and bailout impossible
WARNING: There is no manual bailout capability with this ejection
VI. Ejection sequence malfunction
A. Indications
1. Drogue chute fails to deploy
NOTE: Approximately four seconds after a high altitude ejection,
the drogue chute should stabilize the seat from tumbling.
2. Seat fails to separate from pilot
NOTE: Seat/man separation is controlled by the electronic
sequencer with the barostatic unit as a backup. The operational
window for the system is established at 18,000 ft MSL.
WARNING: If high terrain is not a factor, do not use manual
seat/man separation until below 14,000 feet MSL.
B. Verifications: none possible
NOTE: To initiate a manual separation, pull the emergency restraint
Fig 5: Ejection Seat
release handle.
C. Effects on flight safety: possible disorientation and injury due to
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Original (9-98)