T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-14
Flight Control System Malfunctions
During this lesson you will learn to recognize T-45C flight control malfunctions.
Each malfunction is presented singularly, but the possibility always exists that
more than one of these malfunctions could occur at the same time. Addition-
ally, some malfunctions may closely resemble each other. For example, both a
split flap/slat and a runaway aileron trim cause the aircraft to roll. During the
Emergency Flight Procedures lessons you will learn the correct procedures to
take in response to the malfunctions taught in this lesson.
The goal of the flight controls malfunction lesson is to give you the background
not only to recognize malfunctions but to evaluate the seriousness of each.
This lesson presents cockpit indications of the following conditions:
Split flaps/slats
Runaway stabilator trim
Speed brake failure
- Stuck open
- Stuck closed
Runaway aileron trim
Runaway rudder trim
Rudder hardover condition
Recall the location and function of the T-45C flight controls--ailerons, flaps,
slats, stabilator, rudder, and speed brakes.
Original (9-98)
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