Knock-it-Off (KIO)/Terminate
According to AFI 11-214, Aircrew and Weapons Director Procedures for Air Operations, the
term "Knock-it-Off/Terminate" will be used to direct all aircraft to cease maneuvering and will
be used when safety of flight is a factor. If danger is imminent, directive calls should be made.
Typically, "Knock-it-Off" calls are reserved for safety of flight issues, "Terminate" is commonly
used to cease maneuvering when the desired learning objectives (DLOs) have been met. For
example, when maneuvering in Extended Trail, and all the briefed maneuvers have been
accomplished, a "Terminate" should be called. When the flight is approaching an area boundary
or cloud clearance becomes a factor, a "Knock-it-Off" will be called. Following a "Knock-it-
Off/Terminate," all flight members must vigilantly clear their flight path while terminating
individual maneuvering and adhere to deconfliction responsibilities. Flight members will then
proceed as directed by the Flight Lead.
Example of the Knock-it-Off/Terminate comm:
"Knights Terminate" (anybody can call this).
"Knight One Terminate."
"Knight Two Terminate."
(Knight One says:) Knight Two rejoin right turning (for example).
(Knock-it-Off comm will use the same flow, just replace "Terminate" with "Knock-it-Off.")
Flight members will transmit "Knock-it-Off" and cease maneuvering when any of the
following situations occur:
A dangerous situation is developing (including over-G or G-LOC).
Approaching area boundary.
Unbriefed or unscheduled flight enters the working area and is detrimental to the safe conduct
of the mission.
Minimum altitudes are approached.
Weather conditions below minimums.
Minimum cloud separation approached.
Minimum Range to other flight member approached.
Situational awareness is lost.
Radio failure is recognized.
Bingo or Minimum Fuel State is reached.
Wing rock is observed (unless signaling a Rejoin).
If the Wingman calls for "Knock-it-Off" state the reason to the leader at the end of the radio
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