27 September 2004
therefore students may voluntarily request termination of
training. Anytime a student makes a statement such as "I quit"
or "DOR," they shall be immediately removed from the training
environment (pool, bay, classroom, etc.) and referred to the
student exercises the option to terminate training as stated
(a) Counsel the student on the consequences of the
decision and find out the reason(s) behind the request.
(b) Have the student make a written request (CNATRA
Form 1542/16) to terminate or continue training. This request
will become a part of the students training record.
(c) Following a student's DOR request, the Commanding
only authorities to return the student to training.
(d) Students who are returned to training shall be
helped in the program by senior instructors until student's
confidence is restored or it is determined that the student's
participation in the program is no longer warranted.
(3) Training Time Out Policy. Students or instructors
of another shall call a TTO to clarify the situation and receive
or provide additional instruction as appropriate.
(4) Training Time Out Brief. All students in high risk
training shall be briefed on TTO procedures and methods used to
initiate a TTO prior to the start of training. This briefing
shall be repeated and emphasized prior to the start of each high
risk training evolution to reinforce the initial briefing. The
training time out signal shall be:
(a) Verbal:
Calling "Time Out", "Training Time Out",
or "Time".
(b) Nonverbal: In those cases where a verbal TTO may
not be heard, the following nonverbal signal shall be used:
Forming a "T" with the hands overhead.
Moving to the side of the pool, holding on
to the side of the boat (bay operations), or any other action
that effectively removes the student from training.